Planting and Establishing Switchgrass
The switchgrass used during the project’s test burns has primarily been grown on 4,000 acres of CRP land within the area served by the Chariton Valley RC&D, which includes Lucas, Monroe, Appanoose, and Wayne counties. These four counties reside within a 70-mile radius of Alliant Energy’s Ottumwa Generating Station (see maps below):

This 70-mile radius is targeted as the switchgrass supply region for a commercially operating Chariton Valley Biomass Project (after the research and demonstration project has been completed). Switchgrass takes up to two years to become established. The establishment period requires seeding, fertilization (with lime and nitrogen), and application of potassium, phosphorus, and herbicide. Some fields may require re-seeding the second year of establishment; however ISU estimates only 25% of the field acreage will require re-seeding. For more information on establishing and managing switchgrass, please view the following publications by the ISU Extension Service: switchgrass, please view the following publications by the ISU Extension Service:
- Management Guide for the Production of Switchgrass for Biomass Fuel in Southern Iowa
Switchgrass Seeding Recommendations for the Production of Biomass Fuel in Southern Iowa
To view other steps in the Chariton Valley Biomass Project’s “cofiring cycle,” click on one of the links below: