The documents below are listed in reverse chronological order (most recent documents are at the top). Click on the document name to open the file.
- EPRI BIG Presentation on CVBP. November 2006
- Corrosion and Deposit Investigations - DONG Energy. October 2006
- Post LTB Management Meeting.
- Review for ERT Certification. March 2006
- Antares Presentation for PPV Meeting. March 2006
- CVBP Project Description Placemat. 2006
- Long Term Test Burn Switchgrass Samples. 2006
- Summary of Fly Ash Sampling and Test Results from December 2003 Interim Test Burn at Ottumwa Generation Station. June 2005.
- Phase 2 Testing Program for Evaluation of Co-combustion Fly Ash Produced at Ottumwa Generating Station. June 2005.
- Chariton Valley Biomass Project DOE/USDA Biomass Feedstock Gate Review Meeting. March 2005.
- Chariton Valley Biomass Project – Department of Energy Project Update. December 2004.
- CVBP Presentation at the 2nd World Conference and Technology. Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry. and Climate Protection. 10–14 May 2004, Palazzo dei Congressi. Rome, Italy
- Chariton Valley Biomass Project Photo Progress Presentation. January 2004.
- Photos of Biomass Storage, Processing Systems, and Facilities at OGS. 2003.
- Switchgrass to Energy. 2003.
- Cropping Systems Research for Biomass Energy Production.